Finding Joy in Times of Sadness

Finding Joy in Times of Sadness

This being human is a guest house.Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comesas an unexpected visitor … Be grateful for whoever comes,because each has been sentas a guide from beyond.  Rumi When we have walked the path of grief for a long enough period of time, we…

Life After Death of Someone We Love
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Life After Death of Someone We Love

This is a reposting of an article originally published in 2014. My late husband Roy died suddenly and unexpectedly on July  10, 2011.   I will soon be arriving at the three year anniversary of his death.  The journey of grief from that fateful day to today was filled  with terrible emotional pain, severe depression, unending…

Grief, the Pandemic, and the Holiday Season

Grief, the Pandemic, and the Holiday Season

It’s December 2021, which marks the 11th holiday season that I’ve experienced without my late husband. Fortunately, each season has gotten easier. It is possible to recreate a joy-filled and meaningful life in the aftermath of death, loss, and those horrific changes that life throws our way.As a retired mental health professional with close to…