Life After Death of Someone We Love
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Life After Death of Someone We Love

This is a reposting of an article originally published in 2014. My late husband Roy died suddenly and unexpectedly on July  10, 2011.   I will soon be arriving at the three year anniversary of his death.  The journey of grief from that fateful day to today was filled  with terrible emotional pain, severe depression, unending…

Unexpected Transitions: When Life Throws Us a Curve Ball
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Unexpected Transitions: When Life Throws Us a Curve Ball

Happy Birthday Whispers of Wisdom®. Today is your third anniversary of being launched! Wow… the time has gone quickly. When I wrote my first post in 2014, I was approaching the third anniversary of Roy’s death and thought I had “come through the grief” – which in a certain way I had. However, adding on…

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When Things Don’t Go The Way We Expect Them To: Breakdowns

We’ve each experienced those times when our plans just fall flat. Maybe you wanted to lose 5 lbs within a month and gained 2 instead. Or perhaps you envisioned finishing a work project and then got hit with the flu and you missed your deadline. It may be a situation where you have been disappointed…

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You Betch-em Red Rider!

I have looked life in the face with open eyes. I have learned that it takes courage to keep both feet in the game of life. I have learned since being on my own that I need to say NO to so many urges and impulses. Saying NO to the impulse is putting off short…